Program Enrollment
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We are proud to announce the formation of Certification courses in the art of Jazz Dancing! Historically Jack Cole is the father of modern jazz dance as we know it today. Luigi, was the innovator that created a jazz dance technique and was the first to have it codified and taught worldwide. Matt Mattox, another of the founding fathers of jazz dancing created his technique following Jack Cole and Luigi.
Join us in the quest to keep Jazz dance technique true to it's form.
Starting with Luigi Jazz technique, we have created a jazz dance certification program that will preserve the jazz dance styles and techniques of the ones who actually created it. We look forward to sharing more certifications in different jazz techniques as soon as we have the programs available.
Join US!
The Official Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program
Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program
History, theory and Luigi Style class certification teaches the history of Luigi and his technique in detail.
Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program
The Intermediate Level of the Luigi Jazz Dance technique. learning the next step in the levels along with music awareness.
Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program
Learning the Beg. & advanced beginner level of Luigi Jazz Dance Technique. broken down. written and practical tests.
Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program
Advanced level of the Luigi Jazz Dance technique. We explore the changes in the warm up in the advanced level. Teaching the evolution of his technique.
*All Times listed are in Pacific Time Zone (Los Angeles Time)
* style, beg /ad.Beg, Intermediate and Advance class tuition include PDF Manual and download information. Upon satisfactory completion of each level you will be provided a Certificate for the level.
All levels must be completed sequentially. Recommended no more than*ONLY 2 levels at a time.
Online Level 1 Style Class and History - The Official Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program
December 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 at 9am to 11:00am PST $550.00
Online Level 2 Beginning and Advanced Beginning Classes - The Official Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program
December 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 at 9am to 11:00am PST $550.00
Level 1 Style Class and History - The Official Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program In Liege Belgium
August 2024 19 to 23 visit Mosaballet.com
Online Level 2 Beginning and Advanced Beginning Classes - The Official Luigi Technique Teacher Certification Program
*All Times listed are in Pacific Time Zone (Los Angeles Time)
* style, beg /ad.Beg, Intermediate and Advance class tuition include PDF Manual and download information. Upon satisfactory completion of each level you will be provided a Certificate for the level.
All levels must be completed sequentially. Recommended no more than*ONLY 2 levels at a time.